Circle 3213 Mary Help of Christians

National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians • Better Living Subdivision

Barangay Don Bosco • Parañaque City 1711• Philippines










Officials of the Columbian Squires C.Y. 2005-2006

(This site is currently under construction)

Circle Officials



Circle Officials

Advisory Board: Council 8256 Mary Help of Christians

Chief Counsellor:

Circle Counsellor

Membership Counsellor

Spiritual Counsellor

Service Counsellor


S.K. Heriberto F. Remigio

SK Antonio Miguel Sanches, DGK

SK Edgar Navarro, PGK

SK Alex Bautista, PGK



Chief Squire:
Father Prior:

Deputy Chief Squire:

Notary Squire:

Bursar Squire:

Marshal Squire:

Sentinel Squire:

Arm Captain:

Pole Captains:


Spiritual Chairman: Michael Lanon

Service Chairman: Marlon Soriao

Circle Chairman: Joshua York Lim

Membership Chairman: Ser Evans Guiao



The Chief Squire is the executive officer of the circle. The Chief Squire is an elected position, which is changed from person to person every year. He conducts the meeting and brings up new ideas or suggestions that he has talked over with the counselors. He also try's to get other ideas from the other squires. The Deputy Chief Squire is the Chief Squire's back up. Whenever the Chief Squire can not attend the meeting the Deputy Chief squire will step in.

The Notary keeps a record of the proceedings of all circle meetings, and is responsible for keeping the state circle and the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services informed of the circle's status. The Notary also keeps track of the attendance.

The Bursar is the circle's treasurer. He collects and records all dues and fees of the squires. He also gives the bank report at every meeting.

The Marshal is in charge of the materials and possessions of the squire's. This status is an appointment by the chief squire. The Arm and Pole Captains assist the marshal during investiture. Investiture is the ceremony in which the young men are turned into squires. The Sentry is another appointed office. He has to make sure that only Columbian Squires and Knights are in the room when the meeting begins.



Past Officers:

CY 2001- 2002

CY 2002- 2003



History of the Columbian Squires Six Reason's WHY You Should Become a squire Squires Emblem


Designed and hosted by Heriberto F. Remigio